Airbus Latin America


Migratory birds inspire wake energy retrieval concept

More Articles March 2022

Migratory birds inspire wake energy retrieval concept

Nature-inspired demonstrator proves to make sizeable impact on carbon emissions

Biomimcry has long been a source of inspiration for Airbus’ innovations aimed at reducing an aircraft’s environmental impact while increasing its efficiency and performance. Airbus again turned to nature to inspire innovation with fello’fly - a flight operations concept that proved wake energy retrieval can make an immediate, meaningful impact on carbon emissions.

An article published in Nature[1] [2]  reveals that when large birds, or ibises in this case, fly in a V-formation they “position themselves in aerodynamically optimum positions,” and that this “could potentially reduce the adverse effects of downwash for the following bird.” In a little under two years, Airbus innovators, alongside Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs) and airlines, turned a concept based on this idea into a successful transatlantic demonstration. In November 2021, two A350s flew between Toulouse  and Montreal  to collect data and prove the idea with widebody aircraft.

The program’s results were just as hypothesized - through fello’fly, a follower aircraft retrieved the wake of a leader aircraft by flying in the smooth updraft of air it creates. The lift generated by the lead aircraft enabled the follower to decrease engine thrust, reduce fuel usage by 5 percent and save six tons of CO2. The unique concept, with the support of aviation’s standard and regulatory bodies, can meaningfully contribute to ICAO’s emission reduction targets in the very near-term - just a few years.

Throughout the project’s tenure, the fello’fly team examined the potential reach of their concept, which depending on alignment across regions, airlines and air traffic controllers, could add up to 1,200 daily potential widebody aircraft pairings on common corridors above 2,000 nautical miles. To begin, the concept is likely to focus on oceanic airspaces consisting of mono-directional corridors.

The fello’fly team will see their strategy move on from feasibility studies into Airbus Product Development Concept Phase (MG3) as a complementary simulation and develop modeling to develop maturity. External partners will continue their support of the project and new flight tests are anticipated for 2023.


For more information contact:
Daniel Medendorp
Communications Manager